5 Tips to Avoid Blocked Drains in the Kitchen

Blocked drains are an inconvenient and unpleasant problem that can affect any home. However, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of experiencing this issue. Here are five habits to adopt while cooking and washing dishes to prevent blocked drains.

1. Collect Cooking Grease

One of the biggest causes of blocked drains in the kitchen is cooking grease congealing in the pipes. Instead of putting your excess cooking fat down the kitchen sink, collect it in a plastic container and let it cool so you can throw it out with your solid waste.

2. Use Less Cooking Fat

Another effective way to prevent blocked drains is to decrease the amount of cooking fat you use when preparing food. Even when you are careful about collecting and disposing of excess cooking oil, some amount of grease is likely to remain on your pans and drain down the sink when you wash them. Instead of using large amounts of oil or butter to cook your food, try coating the pan with a cooking spray or switch to alternative cooking methods, such as steaming, boiling or grilling. As a bonus, these low-fat cooking methods may even help you control your weight or improve your health.

3. Add Coffee Grounds to the Compost Pile

Many people do not realise how harmful coffee grounds can be if you wash them down the drain. When grounds mix with water, they form a gritty sludge that can block pipes. The good news is that there are better ways of disposing of coffee grounds. If you put them in your compost bin, they will provide your plants with vital minerals to support their healthy growth.

4. Cover Your Plug Hole

Small solid objects, such as food scraps, potato peelings, and even rings or earrings, can contribute to clogs if they fall through the plug hole in the kitchen sink. Keep these items out of your pipes by covering your plug hole with a small metal or plastic cover. Most homeware stores sell plug hole covers to protect your plumbing.

5. Rinse Pipes Regularly

Even if you are very careful in the kitchen, it is very difficult to prevent traces of food and grease from entering the pipes. Running hot water through the pipes can help to move this debris along to the sewer, where it is less likely to cause a clog. Do not use cold water, which can cause fats to congeal. Hot water will keep fats liquid while they pass through your home plumbing system, reducing your risk of blocked drains.
